December 30, 2010

Bid awarded for legacy trail, sidewalks to school

by Michael Johnson


The Safe Routes to Schools and multi-use trail project in Washburn was awarded to RMD Holdings of Michigan. Work will begin in the spring. Their bid for the project includes reconstruction of existing sidewalk, construction of a multi-use trail, renovation of existing pedestrian tunnel and signage. The bid total was for $544,261. The City of Washburn would have been responsible for paying about $73,000 (20 percent) of that total, but an in-kind donation from Great River Energy for $99,128 in bottom ash and fly ash and a $50,212 grant from the Lewis and Clark Legacy Trail fund covers all that and then some. The remaining 80 percent of the cost is to be funded by a Transportation and Community and System Preservation grant.  The cost of the sidewalk and tunnel portion of the project is $163,226. The Safe Routes to School grant covers up to $150,000 of that. The city is responsible for costs over that cap, which is covered by the remaining grant funds.

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