January 10, 2017

Bids come in for concrete projects

A wide variety of bids have come in for two different concrete projects planned at Washburn Public School.
“We’ve got several competitive bids for the work,” Superintendent Brad Rinas said of the five bids that the school has received.
The bids are for two separate concrete projects that the school board is aiming to get done in the near future. One would be for the sidewalk in front of the school, which has started to break apart and is in need of repair. The larger project would entail replacing the asphalt in the elementary playground with concrete.
“At this point, nothing has been approved because we’re waiting to see if the concrete will be donated,” Rinas said.
Rinas said the school has asked Great River Energy, which has donated concrete to projects in the past, if it would donate what was needed for the two projects. He said the sidewalk project was estimated at about 120 cubic yards, with the work on the playground being about 260 cubic yards.

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