July 30, 2014

CANDISC’s ‘Flyway Byway Tour’

By Cheryl McCormack

Bicyclists will be pedaling through McLean County this upcoming weekend, as part of the 22nd annual Cycling Across North Dakota in Sakakawea Country (CANDISC) bike tour.

Following a predetermined course of over 400 miles of hills, dales, highways and scenic roads in North Dakota, CANDISC takes place every year during the first full week of August. The ride begins and ends at Fort Stevenson State Park in Garrison.

The miles are spread out over a week’s journey, with a typical day averaging anywhere between 35 to 70 miles. The "century option," a 100-mile bike ride completed in one day’s time, is available to test one’s stamina. As the name portrays, it is an optional route.

This coming weekend, cyclists of every age, sex, race and athleticism will be spending time in Wilton, their first overnight stay along the route.

Sunne Lutheran Church’s Pastor Paul Schauer is organizing the event.

He said about 250 cyclists will be arriving into town on Sunday, at various times throughout the day.

There are no cancellations or postponements in case of inclement weather; bikers will ride, rain or shine.

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