November 1, 2017

Commissioners, engineers talk intake details

Specifics of a proposed water intake structure were discussed at length Monday during an informal meeting of commissioners and city engineers.
Commissioners Keith Jacobson and Larry Thomas met with representatives of AE2S Engineering Monday afternoon to go over some details regarding a new city intake, which has yet to be formally approved. Jasper Klein and Eric Lothspeich of AE2S told commissioners that one issue to consider related to the grading of the land around the proposed pumphouse site.
“To develop Site 1, we would have a lot of extra fill to remove,” Klein said of the chosen location for the possible pumphouse. “Would the city have a use for the fill material?”
Klein said there would be between 1,000 and 10,000 cubic yards taken out during grading of the area, and the material could be used however the city felt appropriate. City Auditor Joan Zimmerman said one resident had expressed interest in taking the fill, depending on how much there is.
Commissioners expressed concern over wear and tear on area roads with trucks transporting fill and other materials during construction. Jacobson said he was worried about large trucks traveling down Riverside Park Road, which was recently repaved.
“We could hypothetically build a temporary road next to the highway, with access to the site,” Klein said. “That would need DOT permission.”

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