October 1, 2014

Diverting: Erickson researches alternative solutions

By Cheryl McCormack

McLean County States Attorney Ladd Erickson recently updated county commissioners on flooding resolutions discussed for the Painted Woods Lake/Creek area.

He said his statement at the Sept. 5 Painted Woods landowner meeting, "I’m going to be straight – I’m opposed to any diversions," stemmed from his knowledge of the area and what should and should not be done there.

Erickson said, "First off, the area is an old battle ground." He said the county would receive numerous complaints from those opposed to digging up such historic land.

He also noted before the land could be altered, there would need to be extensive research done on the diversion’s affect on the bird species that call Painted Woods their home.

Erickson said getting the "best bang for your buck" must also be considered. He said although Brock Storrusten, Moore Engineering, put forth a good proposal, he doesn’t see spending more money on something that isn’t going to get them anywhere.

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