June 3, 2020

Landowner threatens charges over grading procedure

Max man alleges reckless endangerment by county employee

A Max resident alleges that criminal charges are warranted after recording a county road grader traveling at approximately 20 miles per hour past his home. Timothy Poston of Max
contacted McLean County dispatch to file a complaint rega rding a highway department vehicle speeding past his residence on 22nd Street NW in Max. Poston reportedly stated the blade operator was traveling at 30 miles per hour or faster when blading the road on May 28. C o u n t y H i g hwa y Superintendent Jim Grey was contacted by a responding
officer and showed a video Poston took of the grader operating. Grey stated that it was not possible for the vehicle to travel at 30 miles per hour and that, in his opinion, it was operating appropriately in the video. McLean County Sheriff’s Department employees analyzed the video and concluded the grader was going approximately 20 miles per hour. A completed report was submitted to State’s Attorney Ladd Erickson, who concluded no criminal offense was committed and the issue was a civil matter.

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