June 29, 2016

New class making waves


A returning class is making a splash in Washburn this summer.

Water aerobics, taught by instructor Tracy Jaeger, is a unique form of exercise that takes place in the pool. It is being held several days a week at the Washburn pool this summer.

"It’s a fun and different form of exercise to mix up your routine," Jaeger said. "It’s great to be in the water on hot days."

Jaeger, who taught water aerobics when she was a lifeguard in both high school and college, said she enjoyed the activity and offered to lead the class. Jaeger said that it had been held off and on throughout the years at the pool.

"I contacted Courtney and we set up sometimes that worked with my schedule," Jaeger said. "I am doing two classes at noon on Tuesday and Thursday and one on Monday evenings at 8 p.m."

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