May 16, 2012

Schools addressing staffing matters

By Stu Merry, BHG News Service

How many is too many? Most school officials around McLean County are dealing with addressing staffing matters as the school year draws to a close. Staff turnover is an annual event. But how many resignations is too many? There are 30 teacher openings at schools in McLean County. At a recent county school administrator meeting, that issue was a topic of concern. While the number may be alarming, most school officials are taking the news in stride, moving ahead, filling those positions. In most cases, there is an adequate amount of applicants. Max Superintendent Jim Blomberg acknowledges there are more openings at Max than in recent years, but he said he feels very good about the quality of applicants the school has received. Blomberg went on to say that science and math are the most difficult positions to fill. Fortunately, those positions have been filled. “We are especially pleased to have people signed in these areas,” he said.

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