July 16, 2014

Seeking: antique enthusiast

By Cheryl McCormack

Long-time Washburn resident Raymond Wicklander began collecting machinery when he first laid eyes on an antique, wood threshing machine.

He "bought" it through an even trade with a Wilton farmer many years ago.

Because the thresher was made of wood, Wicklander set to work building a shed to protect it from mother nature’s fury.

Soon thereafter, a steam engine came up for sale. Without hesitation, Wicklander purchased the engine for $600 from "a farmer across the river."

He said, "It was too far to drive it home, at two miles per hour, so we had to haul it over on a big trailer."

The two machines have since been sold, leaving Wicklander with only memories and a framed photo of the steam engine, which is proudly displayed in the hallway of his home.

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