June 1, 2017

State takes over endowment

A nearly $700,000 endowment for the Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center is now in the hands of the State after the Foundation gave up control of it last week.
The Lewis & Clark Fort Mandan Foundation passed management of the Interpretive Center’s Endowment to the State during an official transfer at the North Dakota Capitol May 24. The endowment, which is dedicated to ongoing maintenance and improvements to the Washburn facility, will now be monitored by the North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department. The department will now have the ability to make controlled withdrawals from the endowment as needed, instead of needing to go through the Foundation for approval.
“It kind of cuts out the middleman,” Site Supervisor Kevin Kirkey said of the transfer, noting that it will increase efficiency when it comes to maintenance. Kirkey said the endowment was an asset that helps ensure adequate funding for planned and unexpected upkeep.
“If we know we’re going to have to refinish doors, even though parks has money, the extra from endowment can really help us do an even better job,” Kirkey said. “Will keep facilities in good running order.”
Governor Doug Burgum, who spoke at the Capitol during the ceremony, said he was appreciative of the Foundation and the relationship between it and the State Parks department.

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