May 26, 2011

Washburn seniors fly into the future

By Don Winter, BHG News Service

Twenty proud Cardinals took the stage and overlooked the gathered audience on Sunday during Washburn High School’s commencement ceremony. Jordan Gedrose gave the group’s welcome address, following the processional. Gedrose thanked the teachers and friends and family for attending and for their efforts through the years, and also thanked his classmates for making each day of high school more fun and interesting. Following Gedrose, Jeff Rasmussen stood up to give the Salutatory address. Rasmussen spoke directly to the feeling of his classmates as he stated “we can’t lie, we can’t wait to get out of here.” He went further by highlighting some of the odd lessons that the staff at Washburn High had taught them throughout the years. Principal Glenn Weinmann commented that this “class seems to be a pretty close group.” Rasmussen would further accentuate this point as he discussed the clandestine “Operation Cheesecake,” where the boys of the class replaced the girls’ vanilla-scented lotion with vanilla pudding. Apparently the operation was well planned and organized as the young ladies would question for quite some time, “why is this stuff so sticky?”

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