July 6, 2016

Zimmerman makes statement

Auditor Zimmerman asked if she could speak on her behalf before the city included here. The full statement can be found in the June 28 Washburn City Commission minutes in the the Leader-News.

"I have been with the city of Washburn since 2008 as the deputy auditor and transitioned to auditor in 2014 when Milissa Price left. ...On top of the normal learning curve that comes with every job, the city of Washburn has had extra challenges - two audits, one federal, Special Assessing of 2013 Project, planning & implementation of the 2014-2015 Project, planning and implementation of 2016 Project, two budgets - one that included significant overhaul of funds through the Property Tax Reform Law.

"I do agree with Larry (Thomas) that the 2015 budget hearing was less than to be desired. I need to say that the budget document was sent out three times and I never heard comments or corrections from any Commissioners, until commissioner Thomas made corrections he felt were necessary and he even said he had only looked at it the night before. It is difficult to take a document that took two weeks to compile and revamp it in an hour and a half. Will it happen again? No, I learn pretty quickly what works."

"The other item discussed at length at my evaluation were my concerns about the sometimes hostile work environment at the hands of Commissioner Thomas. At that time I was extremely concerned about the impending Open Meeting violation investigation and my certainty that he was going to name me as being at fault and in his response to the Attorney General, and he did. Commissioner Thomas was directly asked if the press should be notified of the garbage meeting or if it should be posted, or if Sharon or I should be there, and he said no. Sharon and Bryan and I were all in the office and I said, ‘Would you like to contact the press and should it be posted? And you said no.’"

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