July 8, 2020

Five warm water targets on the fly

With the heat of summer descending upon the region, those cold water loving trout which were stocked in area lakes and reservoirs are seeking out the depths, and aside from some chill hours in the morning and evening, are a bit tougher to target on the fly rod. Luckily, around the upper Midwest, there are plenty of other fish to take their place on the long rod and many ways to catch them. What follows are a handful of warm water species to take on with a fly box in tow, hone those fly fishing skills and have a blast all summer
long, until things cool down in the fall and trout rise back up into the shallows. Summertime Blues No summer would be complete without a warm afternoon in the shallows
chasing bluegills, and these feisty panfish give every fly angler a reward for their cast, whether curled tight and wellpracticed, or a little shaky when just starting out. Work
the inside edge of weedlines, especially those in shallow bays or along warm sandy beaches that can easily be waded or cast parallel to them from a boat on the outer edge.
Watch for rising fish that are snapping at whatever’s hatching, but don’t be worried about matching those little bugs. Bluegills will take all sorts of f lies from complex
dries to basic nymphs to simple foam bugs, but favorites include beetles, spiders and hoppers with various hackle or rubber legs to add to the attraction.

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