October 22, 2009

A Webster in English for the Goodrich School

A Webster in English for the Goodrich School
There is a “Webster” in the English Dept. at the Goodrich School. While this one is also full of good words and works, it is not a Merriam-Webster reference volume but a flesh and blood Scott Webster. Though not claiming any blood relationship to the late, great Noah Webster, this Webster does claim to be “good with words.” When an original idea to teach music no longer seemed the best choice for a vocation, he took his second talent, words, and switched gears, at least twice. The education road from there to here was circuitous, but all joined together in what he now teaches his students: creative writing. It is bound together with an appreciation for music, drama and speech and not just a bit of good spiritual philosophies.
From his early days in Valley City, where he lived near the edge of town, almost “in the country,” Webster was a self-taught youngster. He explored music, words and writing news, but not in that order all the time. He attended Mayville State University, then left to work full time, spending 18 months in St. Paul before returning to Valley City State University and earning a University Studies degree.
Webster was ordained through an independent ministry after attending the Assembly of God Theological Seminary in Springfield, MO and five years in active ministry.
Back home in North Dakota, he completed his education degree (Bachelor’s Degree in English) and then his masters in English Education from Grand Canyon University, an online program based in Phoenix, AZ.
All around and between these education requirements, Webster found time to work at various places both in food service and in news writing. He has worked as a rookie reporter as early as 1989, as a business reporter in 2004, and also a staff reporter. He also continued as an assistant editor in lay out in 2005 when he returned to the same position. He credits his news reporting to form a good framework for creating writing, which he now uses to help his Goodrich students learn to write good “leads.”

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