July 8, 2015

Annual meeting airs old water and new water issues



From Bryce Fischer’s report from Rath and Mehrer, CPA firm, through the unanimous re-election of Lynn Oberg and Clifton Dockter to the McLean and Sheridan Board of Directors, respectively, the McLean Sheridan Water District was neatly wrapped up in an hour, with all business completed.

The meeting was held at Bev’s Café on Wednesday, June 24, with a light supper served for those who traveled at meal time and anyone else that was just hungry.

Fischer noted a few of the changes, one being the refinance of a note, dropping it to a payoff in 11 years at a lower rate of interest. Discounts on bonds issues, costs, interest and service charges impacted this issue as well.

The net increase in cash and cash equivalents was $11,260 a drop from prior years largely due to the new project (Brush Lake) that is not fully connected and still in process. Manager Lynn Oberg stated that next year’s records should show an increase of approximately $140,000 in revenues.

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