December 16, 2020

Beer license, flags, and engineer reports provide agenda variety

Retail beer and/or liquor licenses were approved at the December city meeting for two local businesses that provided applications and payment in full with their requests. The smooth request processes were followed by quick approvals for both Holen’s Super Valu and the Random Roadhouse. Flag funds were discussed briefly and the amount of donation collected by Tina Majors for the project listed as $1,900. Mayor Bryon Belile stated that would be enough to order all the flags needed for Main Street and other locations.
Tom Klabunde, Moore Engineering, participating by telephone, outlined the bid work and costs and the amount remaining for a project of the city’s choice. This left approximately
$40,000 for the latter, which will be decided when the new bid specifics are received from the two bidders. A final lump sum for Moore Engineering for the past projects work was authorized by the council, 4-0, on a motion by Nathan Rhoads, subject to USDA approval. The projects include water service quotes, from Faul Excavating and Kingdom
Construction, lift station quotes from ND Sewage Pump and Lift Station Service and Dakota Pump and Control. The remaining project pending the new bid information
is for rehabilitating the sewer lift station before it fails. Issues discussed were the state codes on this work, including a building to house the controls, trash racks or cage requirements, and manhole mechanically ground waste options.

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