September 25, 2008

China slide tour highlights cultural diversities

By Allan Tinker

Taking a trip to China sounds exotic and, from all accounts, it was. Charlotte Heitzmann presented her trip via slides to the McClusky eighth grade social studies class and their instructor Roberta Froehlich. Heitzmann took the trip with some coaxing from her sister Sharon Dahl, although husband Earl could not go with her. She arrived in China without any problems, leaving April 14 and arriving in Shanghai 14 hours later. She explained the time zones she crossed in her flight to and from that country, losing time until she reached China, which is all in one time zone. On returning home, she left on a Sunday a.m. and returned home Tuesday a.m. but still traveled only 14 hours. Part of the reason for Heitzmann’s trip was that her son Josh, who is Korean, is marrying a Chinese girl, Jenny Hui, and she wanted to see her country. She told of the strange package of food that was served on the Chinese airplane that smelled like "garbage" to her. She asked what it was and was told it was pressed pork.

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