October 18, 2017

City of McClusky receives 2017 Trees Award

Representing the City of McClusky, Mayor Roberta Hunt accepted the “TREE CITY USA” Trees Award at the Trees Bowl and Awards Ceremony held in Fargo on September 23.
The Arbor Day Foundation, in partnership with the US Forest Service and National Association of State Foresters, sponsors the Tree City, Tree Campus, and Tree Line USA programs. Communities, campuses, and utility companies engaged in the programs show a commitment to the planting and care of trees that result in healthy, sustainable community forests, which improve the quality of life for everyone. The NDSU-North Dakota Forest Service administers the programs.
McClusky is North Dakota’s newest Tree City USA and they have developed a successful Dutch elm disease management program to make the city more safe and beautiful. Arbor Day was celebrated with students who planted a tree at McClusky Elementary School.

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