December 28, 2022

County commission hears concern over snow removal

Understaffed highway department challenged during storm

The McLean County C ommission yielded concerns from Nick Klemisch of Garrison regarding snow removal during its meeting Tuesday. Klemisch says the county plows weren’t running and snow removal workers were sent home while state plows were still operating during the recent storm. He specifically noted that the intersection of County roads 6 and 37 were nearly impassable for days.
“I’ve lived in Garrison for eight years, and I’ve met county plows every year,” Klemisch said. “The county plows head west and the state plows head east, and I’d meet them every time I’d get in to town. During the storm last week, the plows weren’t running whatsoever and guys were being sent home when the state plows were running.” The McLean County Highway Department is understaf fed, with four positions unfilled out of approximately 20 positions department wide. 

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