March 8, 2012

Farmers Market rejoins North Prairie for 2012 season

Farmers Market rejoins North Prairie for 2012 season

Members of the McClusky Farmers Market met at Mc-Clusky City Hall on Thursday, March 1 for a short meeting.
By unanimous agreement, the members re-joined North Prairie Farmers Markets. This makes them part of a very large working group of markets and the opportunity to sell at these various markets as well as locally. It also gives the vendors from other members of North Prairie the opportunity to participate in the McClusky Farmers Market location.
Grants available this year are for Market Managers and for new vendors. Market Managers who complete the online course are eligible to receive a $400 grant to cover the time and effort of completing the course.
New members of Farmers Markets in North Dakota are also eligible to apply for a $200 grant to help with start up expenses, advertising and marketing.
The McClusky Farmers Market brought many fresh vegetables, baked goods and specialty items to the area the past two years. From garlic to fresh field corn and specialty breads, the vendors sold through mid-July and August at the Heart Park in McClusky. The sale date was Wednesday, starting at 4:30 p.m. It will be the same for 2012.
One vendor was looking forward to the return of the “sour cream raisin pie” specialty that had shown up regularly in 2011. Other buyers made quick work of the first sweet corn of the season, fresh beets, new potatoes, and the wonderful challah bread, twisted, tender and fresh.

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