March 25, 2010

Goodrich Legion celebrates birthday

Goodrich legion celebrates birthday

The Legion members and auxiliary held their annual birthday program and cake and ice cream lunch for Albert Block Post #56 on March 15. The event got underway at 7 p.m. with presentation of the colors and invocation, national anthem, and the pledge to the flag.
Legion Commander Merwyn Krein welcomed guests and veterans, and Chaplain Gordon Felchle handled the invocation and benediction for the group. LaDonna Erdmann provided accompaniment for the group songs.
Featured speaker was ND Dept. Commander Jerry Samuelson, of Watford City. He wished the Goodrich American Legion a “Happy Birthday” and spoke about the projects that he is working on: Girls State, Boys State, American Legion baseball, among others.
Samuelson also talked about the veterans from World War I, World War II, Vietnam, and Desert Storm. One WWII veteran, Harold Jenner, again attended his local Legion’s birthday party. He is 93 years old. He was accompanied by his daughters, Aileen Erdmann and Rosemary Morrison.

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