October 27, 2011

Lions hold “We serve” planning meeting

Lions hold “We serve” planning meeting

McClusky Lions held a meeting on October 23 at McClusky City Hall to update plans for the winter activities and the upcoming election.
Every other June, the president’s term is up, with the terms of other officers remaining at single year commitments. New officers need to be selected in advance of the June meeting.
The nominations are currently held from the floor for the elections, leaving the members who formerly served on the nominating committee free to take office. Current membership numbers make this the fairest way to allow all members to participate. The election will be held during the short meeting held before the cheer baskets are assembled at their December 18 meeting.
Currently, the McClusky Lions Club meets formally twice a year, with additional meetings called for pressing business that require membership approval. The two formal meetings are the Cheer Basket meeting in December and the anniversary meeting in June when officers start and end their terms of service.

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