September 29, 2021

Little Free Library to serve community

Little Free Library to serve community

An idea developed over a year, then drew to reality when Jerry Reiswig built the Little Free Library. Sponsor of the idea and the library’s continuing completion, Diane Holen.
The Little Free Library is meant to honor the Girl Scout Troop and its members that Holen led for years. When the troop disbanded, there was still money left in its treasury.
Now, with the added generous donation of Reiswig’s time and labor, the honor and Little Free Library are reality The additional help from Todd Rath, who dug the posthole
and cemented the post in, the Little Free Library is already holding books to lend or share with the community. Holen plans to keep adding finishing touches, including painting the exterior in red, white and blue, hopes to have the finishing touches all done in October. The Girl Scout’s funds are covering much more territory than anyone thought. 

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