October 21, 2010

Local attorney enjoys 30-plus years of legal service to his community

Local attorney enjoys 30-plus years of legal service to his community
The years in McClusky have been pleasant work for Walter Lipp, state’s attorney for Sheridan County, City of McClusky and also in private practice. “I always liked to come to work in the morning,” he said with a smile. “I always liked doing what I do.”
Adoptions were a part of his legal work that gave Lipp pleasure. “Everyone is happy,” he said, recalling the adoptions he handled.
“Estate work is sort of negative,” he added. “But I like to help people through the settling of assets and personal contents of the inherited property and getting everything distributed.”
The hardest part of his job was prosecuting people he knew. “Victims want the maximum (sentence) and the family of the defendant wants leniency. In a little town you know everybody. Most everyone is pretty good about these things, though. With our small population, we have a low crime rate.”

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