October 6, 2011

Merchants consider Food Pantry grant

Merchants consider Food Pantry grant


The McClusky Merchants were presented with a request for a Food Pantry grant, to expand the local hunger drive program to three businesses, in addition to Holen’s Super Valu, which was the sole participant this past year. The request was presented at the Sept. 27 meeting at the Union Grill.
The letter stated, “Last fall, Holen’s Super Valu put out a metal wash tub with an invite to donate items that were purchased in their store to the Sheridan County Food Pantry. In return, the Sheridan County Food Pantry kept count of the number of items and used its funds to purchase the same number of items from Holen’s Super Value, which helped keep our (the Pantry’s) shelves full with a good and wholesome stock of food. Scott and Diane noted that a number of out of state hunters were very generous with their participation in this event.
“We would love to repeat this event again this fall and, in fact, we would like to add a few extra weeks and possibly businesses, to collect even more items. With economics as they are, we are having more people using the Food Pantry. With your help, I believe we can continue to meet the needs of our poorer citizens with some food, personal care items, and household paper products. With your help of a $1,000 grant, we would like to expand this event to even more of our local businesses, like Bentz Supply and McClusky Drug. The need is there! Please help us to ease the suffering of the poor and to support our great local businesses.”
The letter was signed by Ladora Schuessler, Sher-idan County Food Pantry Coordinator.
The grant was tabled until the October meeting.
By request of the Confederate Bar and Café, the McClusky Merchants Association meetings will resume their quarterly rotation with the October meeting at the Confederate location. The next meeting, on October 25, is scheduled for that location.

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