November 7, 2018

NDSU Extension teams honored

Four North Dakota State University Extension teams were honored for their work with a Program Excellence Award.
The teams received the awards during the joint NDSU Extension and Research Extension Center conference Oct. 22-25 in Bismarck, N.D. The honors included cash awards sponsored by Farm and Ranch Guide.
Programs winning awards and the people who participated in them:
Healthwise for Guys
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics, North Dakota men have a higher rate of skin, colon and prostate cancer than the national average. Healthwise for Guys is NDSU Extension’s first men-specific health program. The program includes a website, fact sheets, displays, presentations and men’s health toolkits. In the first six months of the program, nearly 800 men aged 18 and older participated. In the colon and prostate cancer programs, 95 percent indicated their lifestyle had room for improvement, and 96 percent would recommend the program to others. Team members: Julie Garden-Robinson, Kristi Berdal, Cindy Klapperich, Ellen Crawford, Bob Bertsch, David Haasser.
North Dakota Soil and Watershed Leadership Academy
North Dakota Soil Conservation districts struggle to fill board positions with qualified board members, and existing board members indicate they want to become more effective. NDSU Extension partnered with the North Dakota Department of Health’s Water Quality Division to develop the academy to increase the capacity of North Dakota’s soil conservation and watershed leaders to lead watershed and community-based projects that will protect water quality for future generations.
Eighty-four percent of the academy’s participants reported they feel more confident in using parliamentary procedures, 86 percent feel comfortable making a motion in a meeting and 87 percent know how to access and comply with open meeting laws. Team members: Bruce Schmidt, Andrea Bowman, Marie Hvidsten, Katelyn Hain, Jodi Bruns, Jim Collins, North Dakota Department of Health - Division of Water Quality.


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