February 10, 2021

No I, Q, U, X or Y’s camped in 2020

No I, Q, U, X or Y’s camped in 2020

The campers came in strong in 2020, with just a little push from COVID restrictions on social venues, reported Assistant Auditor Tracy Stein, who keeps track of camper registration and all relevant records on camping. Every letter of the alphabet showed up in the lists except for surnames that started with I, Q, U, X or Y. S names were strong, along with L’s and M’s and W’s. Others were not far behind. Some stayed for one day, others two, three, four, and up to 17. 17 had to move at least once, when the mandatory 14 day camp in one spot kicked in. That long stay belonged to the Shimek’s. The campers proved you could have fun any day or the week, especially weekends, and often on holidays. It if
rains, kids play in the sand and water. If the sun shines, the kids play in the sand and water. One just can’t lose. There is water deep enough to wade in, swim in, boat with
a motor in, kayak and paddle boat in. It is all part of the Hoffer Lakes area, complete with docks, and water and electricity in all but the rustic sites. There is a firm road for motor
bikes, and all other forms of adult sized vehicles and town and ice cream, gas and snacks is just two miles away. Fishing is good, there are several varieties in the water.
There are several experts in the area, just ask around, for the best place to go.

The Weather Network