October 21, 2015

Red flag no burning


At the October 12 meeting of the McClusky City Council, Deputy Matt Lisic warned residents that the Red Flag, very extreme conditions had reactivated the burn ban for Sheridan County.

This INCLUDES campfires and "controlled burns." Lisic stated there was no issue thus far with hunters and the burn ban. Violation of the ban results in fines and possible damages and jail time if the fire gets out of control. Just the fine of a couple of hundred dollars, more if the fire departments are summoned, is uncomfortable enough to make most people heed the warnings.

The Hoglund property with its piles of cut wood was the next subject of discussion, bringing dissension even among the council members as to whether cleanup has been sufficient and follows city code.

The city attorney will be contacted for further guidance on the ordinance and Trent Naser will be asked to take a look and call Mayor Roberta Hunt with his conclusion of whether the ordinance is being followed. Issues of rats and other rodents finding places to live were the main concern. "Looks like hell," said one council member.

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