April 21, 2021

Rosenfield Township honors former treasurer Don Adam

Rosenfield Township honors former treasurer Don Adam

information and photo courtesy
Arlo Blumhagen
Don Adam received recognition for his service to the Rosenfield Township, where he was elected treasurer in 1988. Arlo Blumhagen stated,“Don served faithfully for 30 years and retired from the treasurer’s position in 2020.” Rosenfield Township board awarded Don a plaque in honor of 30 his years of dedicated service on April 5, 2021. The presentation was made after the equalization meeting at the Sheldon Oster farm shop. Blumhagen added, “Don had the neatest cursive handwriting I have seen for a long time! He was so well
organized as a treasurer that the plaque was the least we could do to show appreciation.” Rosenfield Township was organized in 1984. Jerry Spear discussed the organization idea with his neighbors, Bennie Martin and Arlo Blumhagen. Upon agreement, Spear met with then Sheridan County States Attorney, Walter Lipp, who drew up needed petitions. The three neighbors collected the needed signatures, and upon a vote, the decision was unanimous that the township be organized. Spear was elected first president of the Board of Supervisors, with Bennie Martin and Arlo Blumhagen the other two supervisors. Mark Kolschefsky was elected clerk, and Barry Wiersch was elected treasurer. Spear served as president for many years, before deciding that each supervisor take turns serving as president. At Spear’s suggestion, the supervisor whose term was up would be president during his last year. Others who have served in various positions include Terry Spear and Herbert Blumhagen, both deceased.

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