August 3, 2022

Trio holds 70-year reunion

Trio holds 70-year reunion

The 1952 McClusky High School graduates were at the 70-year mark this year. Three were able to attend in person, with other classmates and acquaintances for their school years there by phone. These included Duane Dockter, Montana, Beverly Reiswig, Bismack, and Donald Frey,
rural McClusky. Accompanying Dockter was his wife, Lois (Lund). With Reiswig, was husband Ron, and guests Mayola Holen and Virginia Hoffer were also present. The event was held at The Reunion Grill and Bar, west of McClusky. Several phone calls were made, and answered, “old” information exchanged as well as new, and many laughs were enjoyed, prompted by how much things have changed and how some things never will. The group recalled teachers from their past, incidents they remembered and how many of them grew up in rural areas where they started school not knowing how to speak English. 

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