July 2, 2014

Veteran’s Memorial joins other Sheridan Courthouse landmarks



With black iron cutouts of military figures in silhouettes of active action, an all-county veteran’s memorial was put into place on June 28 on the Sheridan County Courthouse front lawn.

The memorial ironwork project of John Faul was spearheaded into creation by Jim Paulus, Sheridan County Veteran’s Ser-vice Officer.

Paulus gave the welcome and dedication of the memorial on Saturday, assisted by Ken (Butch) Konschak’s reading of a Tribute to Veterans. Paulus also gave a reading on "What is a veteran?"

Pastor George Schuessler pre-sented the opening prayer after the Pledge of Allegiance by all those present.

Emily, Rachel and Brittany Lasher sang the "Star Spangled Banner" for the event.

The combined firing squad of county, mostly Goodrich, Legion members presented a formal salute for the memorial service with Kody Faul adding "Taps."

A closing prayer by Pastor Schuessler completed the ceremony, along with the processional of the firing squad and the color guard.

The cost of the memorial was, and is, supported by various contributions from business, organizations and individuals in the community.

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