April 21, 2011

A friend of the farm

By Michael Johnson, Editor

After 35 years as an NDSU extension agent for McLean County, you’d think the people from around the county would have some pretty good stories to tell about Pat Carpentier as he retires. Unfortunately, according to five of his close friends, there are very few stories suited for print. In all seriousness, Carpentier made a lot of friends on the job while serving the county for all those years. A crowd of about 60 folks packed into the Law Enforcement Center conference room to give him a proper retirement on Friday afternoon. Jerry Tweeten recalls the time he dared Carpentier to drive through a creek to get to the other side. He told Carpentier that if he could do it he’d give him a free stud service for his horse. Before Tweeten could prepare, the truck was in gear and rushing through the creek to the other side.



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