May 6, 2020

Blowing in the wind

Blowing in the wind

While a lot of folks were making use of the coronavirus home-style quarantine time by doing puzzles and working on some little projects around the house, Underwood’s Joe
and JoAnn Fleischman were spending their time repurposing fans, turning them into one-of-a-kind windmills. None of them are really powerful enough to provide much
power, noted Joe, who is constantly trying to find ways to improve and reuse items that have otherwise lost their luster, but they’re all pretty cool in their own way. One of them is affectionately named “The Death Star” by JoAnn. “You can see why,” said Joe with a laugh, showing off the fan and its Death Star-like globe. Just before winter, Joe had
come into possession of several different kinds of fans through yard sale shopping, some of which didn’t work, and he decided to not just repair them, but to turn them into something
different – home-made windmills with home-made pillow block bearings – each with a completely different look than the others.



The Weather Network