April 15, 2020

Capturing life on the ‘front porch’

Capturing life on the ‘front porch’

Underwood photographer Freedom Bassett is doing what she can to bring a little sunshine into locals’ lives – 10 minutes at a time. Bassett, owner of Freedom Bassett Photography, is taking social distancing to heart and putting it into practice with her photography business, recently offering “front porch minis” – quick 10-minute photo shoots in which families come out to their front porches to take some family photos. “I went to their homes, used their front porch or whatever they wanted to use in their yard and we went to
town,” said Bassett with a laugh. “I don’t have to be near them at all really,” she added. “People are responding to it pretty well.” Bassett did 12 photo shoots a couple Sundays ago,
meeting the families from a distance as they stayed on their porches or steps, and she just gave a little creative instruction for posing, and she captured some memories. Bassett charges $35 for the 10-minute photo shoot, and the family gets all of the pictures they want. “I give them all the pictures that turned out good. I think some people got 44, some
people got 12,” Bassett said.



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