June 8, 2016

City holding payment until project done right

By Suzanne Werre

Moore Engineering’s Jesse Berg took center stage for much of Monday’s regular city commission meeting in Underwood, giving the commissioners an update on last year’s storm water drainage project – and the commissioners followed up by giving him an earful.

Berg started by updating the commission on the finishing of the storm water project, with anticipated weed killing and re-seeding that still need to be done.

When Commissioner Ethan Vaagene asked Berg about reassurance that the homeowners aren’t going to be stuck with lawn-watering bills because the grass hasn’t even been planted yet, the flood gates opened, and Berg was inundated with questions and comments from the commission.

"It’s their duty to make sure that there is establishment with the seed," he answered, adding "all the stuff in the residential area should be done by July 8.

"We may have to look into putting a culvert in," he added, noting that standing water has been observed in some of the areas of new construction.

He also asked for an extension on the "final completion" date, which is June 15, asking that it be pushed back to August.



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