August 25, 2011

Enrollment grows at Underwood

By Michael Johnson, Editor

The first day of school is always one of excitement for the youth who return to the educational grindstone. It’s also an exciting time for staff, especially when numbers are on the rise. This year preliminary numbers show Underwood up by 19 students from the spring. That’s 189 youth filling the chairs at the school. In addition to those new students, there is a new superintendent, Brandt Dick, ready to guide the school into the 2011-2012 school year. A couple changes to the high school handbook this year include the attendance and dress policy. There were some issues regarding attendance that secondary prinicipal Lee Weisgarber hoped to clear up for those in extra curricular activities. A student must attend classes for a full day the day of an event if they are to participate in the event or game. Last year they could attend a half day.



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