December 11, 2013

Fill Christmas list at the Coal Bin

By Suzanne Werre
BHG News Service

It’s almost certain everyone has that hard-to-buy-for person on their Christmas list. What do you get your aunt that you see only once or twice a year? Or the teen who seems to be glued to his or her phone 24/7. Or your grandma who is 85 and certainly doesn’t need anything. What in the world do you get her?

Joe and JoAnn Fleischmann of The Coal Bin in Underwood would love to help people find those perfect gifts for the hard-to-buy for person.

Eclectic would be an appropriate description of what one will find at The Coal Bin.

"We have a lot of unique products," exclaimed Joe, and he quickly set to pointing out some of them. "We have a lot of unique items that you can find for individuals that you might not be able to go to a regular store and find."

There are antiques and collectibles galore. From small items like collectible train cars, cast-iron toys and other toys, to large items like ceramic crocks and cookie jars. Maybe there’s an antique toy there like what great-grandma used to have. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to bring a smile to her face as her gift takes her back to her childhood?



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