February 26, 2009

Friends need support to continue programs

By Julie Arbach

Underwood’s Friends of the Public Library group has been a real shot in the arm for the local library. But funds are running low and public support of its fundraisers is needed to continue providing the extra incentives and materials, which encourage youth to read. The group’s efforts have brought movies to the community and while the movies are free, the proceeds of concessions from those movies, along with a craft table at the library provide necessary funds for youth programs. Librarian Harmony Higbie said one of the programs that is very popular is the pre-school reading program. "It is really taking off, we usually have about 20 children and have had to separate them into two groups," said Higbie. One group meets on Tuesday morning and the other in the afternoon. Children from the Comet Kids Childcare Center are able to participate and that has been a plus for both the program and children at the daycare facility.



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