February 11, 2015

Haugen new president

By Suzanne Werre

Anna Haugen is taking the helm of the Underwood Civic Club after Jeff Higbie stepped down from the position at the beginning of the year, and Rachael Hammond will be taking over the treasurer’s duties following the resignation of Gary Adam. Karen Edwards will continue as secretary.

The group briefly discussed upcoming events, the first of which will be the Easter egg hunt, which is scheduled for April 4, at Poolside Park.

The group also briefly discussed the possibility of still trying to hold the annual Harvest Fest in conjunction with the Midsummer Classic, keeping all of the Midsummer Classic events as that group coordinates, but possibly adding another day or half-day of events that have typically been during the Harvest Fest on the preceding Friday or following Sunday of the Classic.

The group also discussed the possibility of potentially adding a golf tournament or a race to their part of the schedule, noting that the members of the Westridge Golf Club would need to be in favor of the plan, as well.

Civic club members noted that maybe one big weekend of activities might be more appealing to locals, rather than holding two separate one-day events. It was also noted that August is often a time when families are making sure they get out to the lake on weekends, so June could possibly be a better time.



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