April 9, 2009

Individuals should document and report flood damage

By Danielle Abbott, BHG News Service

"Right now, I don’t have any notifications of anybody having water damage or problems associated with flooding in their homes, but I would encourage those that do have problems to notify me," said Todd Schreiner during Tuesday’s McLean County Commission meeting. The commissioners joined Schreiner in discussing recent flooding issues with streets and residential properties throughout the county. Schreiner said that letters have been sent to all townships, asking them to declare any damaged roads, and that the cities have been notified of proper procedures with flooded areas. "Individuals should take pictures and document damage, then notify their insurance if they do have insurance that will cover it," Schreiner said. McLean County Highway Superintendent Ron Wagner is still busy with snow issues, and seeking reimbursement of snow removal costs throughout the harsh winter. "It sounds like FEMA is going to be here for quite a while," Schreiner said, "They are going to come up and Ron (Wagner) will tell them the worst sites, and then they will come back later on to see the other sites." Completing a documented list of all areas and properties with flooding damage is crucial. Though FEMA officials will not be viewing every property on their initial visit to the county, Schreiner said that they will come back and view all of the damaged areas that require attendance.



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