May 17, 2017

Local businesses focus on local businesses

By Suzanne Werre
The Underwood Business Alliance began its reboot last Tuesday, as local business leaders and owners gathered together at the Underwood City Hall to begin brainstorming to find ways to increase businesses’ visibility and sales, hoping to find ways to get people to stop in Underwood rather than drive right by on US Highway 83.
Underwood Economic Developer Wendy Spencer led the meeting, informing those in attendance at the get-go that the business alliance is not an organization that is going to be putting on events in town – the alliance is about the businesses.
“This is really to give support to the businesses in the city of Underwood,” said Spencer.
The alliance is something the UAEDC would like to see grow bigger and become a source of support for the existing businesses that are here.
While a lot of people think the term “economic development” primarily means bringing new businesses to town, there’s more to it than that, said Spencer. Economic development has to start with the existing businesses – and they can work together to help each other thrive.
If the existing businesses thrive and grow, then new businesses will come, she added.



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