October 31, 2018

Nagle’s LEGO Club going strong

By Suzanne Werre
Her official title is Library Media Specialist for the Turtle Lake-Mercer School. Most people know her as the school librarian.
“Her” or she, is Angie Nagle, who is in her third year as librarian at the school, and she does a lot more than just check out books for students and “shush” them when they get a little too loud.
Nagle also teaches keyboarding, digital literacy/computer skills, and of course, library skills/lessons. While the students may appreciate what they learn during their classes from her, undoubtedly what some of the students might like the most about what Nagle does at the school is her after-school program, the LEGO Club.
There are about 60 students signed up for the LEGO Club, which gets together after school Tuesdays and Thursdays.
“I do have a stipulation that they can only come once a week. I can’t have 60 kids in here at once by myself,” she said with a smile, as she looked around the library.
Some Club days the library is filled with students working with the LEGOs on their projects – other days there may be just a few who show up. Nagle is perfectly happy with both, and anywhere in between.



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