May 8, 2013

Out with the old

By Michael Johnson, Editor

The members of the Northern Expressions Arts Council (NEAC) have a vision in mind that includes reaching out to the hearts of those in the community through the arts. That vision includes the use of the old Rose Theater in Underwood, one of only a few remaining Quonset hut theaters in the country. The idea of bringing the building back to use after years of neglect seemed like a monstrous task but the group was lucky enough to hire on Old School Construction out of McClusky to begin the demolition of the building this spring. So far, the crew of four has completed removal of damaged areas in the front portion of the building. They recently started removing damaged ceiling tile from the middle of the building. Black mold, building materials from the 1950s and years of no maintenance meant anything that could collect moisture was damaged in the building. In order to bring this building back to the point where the community can feel safe  requires a complete gutting of materials. After the crew is done, there will be little but concrete and the aluminum shell.



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