July 1, 2020

Pool to extend summertime swimming

The old adage goes something like, come on in – the water’s fine! The water was evidently fine Monday afternoon in Underwood as the pool staff was nearly forced to turn
swimmers away midway through its opening day when the pool neared the new full capacity, which is lowered because of the coronavirus guidelines. “We’re close to having to
shut the doors,” said Clarissa Kruger, who is in her sixth year as pool manager. “We have to go half-capacity.” The pool is making other adjustments to the summer
swimming season, including installing a sneeze guard separating the staff at the Pool to extend summertime swimming desk with the incoming swimmers. The chairs on
the pool deck are placed at least six feet apart, and pool employee Ava Blotske has the job of wiping down all of the “high-touch areas” every hour, which includes the ladder and diving board railings. There are a few other changes this year, as the kiddie pool will not be opened because it doesn’t allow for any social distancing. 



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