October 9, 2019

Rust’s Hardware celebrates 20 years

Rust’s Hardware celebrates 20 years

By Suzanne Werre
Glitter paint.
Not a big “must-have” item for Turtle Lake and other local shoppers.
That was the immediate answer Rust Hardware Hank’s Jolene Rust when asked if there was any inventory brought into the store in the past few years that just flopped.
“Glitter paint,” she said with a smile.
Fortunately for Jolene and her husband Ryan, owners of the Turtle Lake hardware store, there have been a lot more hits in their past 20 years at the hardware store than misses.
Add bringing in what the customers want to excellent customer service – throw in customer loyalty, and you’ve got a successful business that thrives in small-town North Dakota.
The Rusts were celebrating 20 years in business this past Saturday with drawings, special knife sharpening and wood cutting presentations and a free meal to thank their loyal customers.
Ryan and his dad Rodney bought the hardware store in 1999 from then-owner Ruben Bauer. Rodney was pretty much a silent partner, noted Ryan, not having a whole lot to do with the day-to-day operation of the business.



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