September 28, 2011

School construction continues

By Michael Johnson, Editor

The Underwood school board reviewed the current school renovation project that started this summer and found things to be falling into place as planned. Only a few areas are still being worked on and the roof repair continues after leaks were found in the recent fix. Superintendent Brandt Dick talked the board through the progress and started with work on a shed near the parking lot. Siding has been removed from the shed and new siding has been ordered and will be installed. Supt. Dick anticipates a completion date of next August for all of the renovation work. So far, the following are 100 percent complete in the building: Vending machine controls, elementary school air handling units, boiler control improvements, lighting fixture replacements, gymnasium fan installs, domestic water heater replacement, ceiling tile replacement in multi-purpose room, furnish light fixture in basement storage room, plumbing improvements, building envelope/air leakage, roofing replacement, cafeteria/kitchen ventilation improvement.



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