March 6, 2013

Sewer project may hold for building update

By Suzanne Werre, BHG News Service

The city commission pulled out its marking pen last Monday, crossing out as many line items as they could, as they tried to pare down the expenses of a proposed sewer project and water tower refurbishment project, only to find out this past Monday that the sewer project may be able to be put off for a couple years if some parts for the current basket system are already on-hand. After shaving off close to $50,000 for the proposed sewer project (replacing the  master lift station pump) last week, the commissioners were later informed that there is a good chance there may be parts for the current basket system already at the city shop, which might allow the city to put off the sewer project for a couple years. The commissioners decided to wait for city maintenance head Neal Repnow to get back to them on whether the needed parts are actually already in the city’s inventory. “I would like to see if we can hold off, and that’s fine, but we need to check on health issues. Are we still compliant,” said commission President Rick Olson. The city will get a health department inspection first to see if the current sewer system is up to code before putting the project on the back burner.



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