July 28, 2015

Underwood goes into quick-recovery mode

By Suzanne Werre

This past Thursday’s torrential rain, wind and hail storm that blew through Underwood is practically old news.

Innumerable trees had huge limbs ripped from them, thrown to the ground, and others, most of them mature trees that have been fixtures in Underwood for over 50 years, were uprooted.

Before the clouds had even completely cleared, the sound of chain saws could be heard throughout town, and once the checking-everything-out had been done, neighbors were out helping neighbors tackle the jobs of removing the trees that were downed in their yards. Some of the homeowners weren’t even home at the time, but their neighbors were busy clearing the debris from their yards.

Many were noted to say the reaction by Underwood’s folks to the storm was nothing like how a lot of larger city residents reacted to their downed trees recently.

Their trees just laid where they fell, as they waited for the city or someone to come clear them for them.



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