December 2, 2015

Water project ‘DONE’

By Suzanne Werre

The city of Underwood just finished one major project, and the city commissioners are looking at doing another one next year, as the commissioners turned their attention to street repair at their last meeting.

For now, though, with just one month left with this year’s budget, the commissioners are tightening up the city’s purse strings.

Going through financials at the start of the meeting, city auditor Diane Schell expressed her concern about highway funds, water and sewer and cemetery funds,

"I would urge you strongly to stop spending," she said.

"Yeah, we will," said Olson. "Some of this spending -- some our chemicals didn’t need to be bought until next year were bought this year – it’s a matter of communicating with our maintenance people."

Jay Snyder said the commissioners should meet with Neal Repnow, head of maintenance, to visit with him about budgetary items, and to make sure he knows what he can spend.



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