August 11, 2011

Top barrel racers kick up dirt at Western 4-H Camp

By Michael Johnson, Editor

With a name like Western 4-H Camp, you would think that the camp located just west of Washburn revolves around western cowboy and cowgirl traditions. Considering it’s in some of the finest territories known to the cowpoke you’d think it would be full of them. For the most part, the camp is used for other 4-H purposes including survival camps and conservation and the occasional horse camp. Due to the results of flood waters, the camp has not been able to be used for anything until a couple weeks ago. The camp has been transformed into a prime location for some of the top horse riders in the state and surrounding states to take part in an event that’s particularly western. Barrel racing at its finest. A few local cowgirls knew that the Western 4-H Camp was and is a rare gem in this area. “If it’s not being used it should be,” was Melodie Wannemacher’s belief. Wannemacher recently retired from working at the local mine and decided to help out by mowing the camp.

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